Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Coaching...what is coaching anyway?

In honor of the first posting of Morning Monologue, I'd like to dedicate this one to coaching. Often, people are intrigued by what I do, consistently asking the question, "what is a coach?" I'll give you a little background and my purpose for this blog. Sign on, let me know what you think and what you'd like for me to cover!

My purpose for Morning Monologue is to give away FREE coaching. I will do my best to address a coaching issue three times a week and post it to this blog. Please, feel free to send me other topics you would like to see covered. I'd love to hear some of the challenges you are facing and help inspire you to move past your roadblock. Here are a few examples of coaching topics:

You know that job you hate but can't seem to leave? Or those nagging negative thoughts regarding your strengths, values and worth? You know that task you've been putting off? You know those last 5 lbs you can't seem to shed? You know that lost feeling you sometimes get? You know that shy/scared/overwhelmed notion that creeps in at the most inopportune time? You know that dream you've buried so deep you can hardly remember it anymore? You know that feeling that you are not living your passion? You know that insanely chaotic life you are leading? Coaching can help.

Just becoming popular in the last decade or so, people seem to know the title of coaching, but get lost in the description. Coaching is about regaining control over your life: recapturing the actions, items or places that bring you energy and make you feel alive. Working with a coach allows for scheduled time to put yourself first. How often do you do that? I work with my clients three times a month. We have three hours of in depth talk about what you want, what you're missing and what you're going to do about it. In between our sessions, you continue to work toward your goals (do you see the additional time you are setting aside for yourself automatically through coaching?). Action is essential. A coach keeps you accountable for what you say you want to do. In addition, coaching stretches you little by little to reach for more.

Different from therapy, coaching works with you to determine what you want out of the rest of your life. It's not about dissecting why you are the way you are. It's about what you will do to be happy from this point forward. Coaches are NOT therapists, they will not pretend to be therapists and you should not use one if you need therapy. That being said, we might ask questions about your history to better understand where you are coming from, but our intention is not to diagnose you.

Okay, so hopefully that mini-description helped. You can visit to read more about my business and myself. My goal for this blog is to inspire you, even if it is just once, to seek out the things in life you really want. I'm not talkin about physical items, I mean people, places and activities that get you so excited you can't wait to tackle the next step. Working 40+ hours, juggling friends, family and obligations, it's easy to lose ourselves in the madness. I am passionate about helping men and women energize their moments again.

Make some space for yourself and start dreaming about what would add momentum and passion to your life! More to come Friday.

Signing off for now,
Coach Katie